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Why people choose our company?

From China to Russia

There is a statement that a policy-based business is very unstable.
Our business is based on the friendship of two countries - great China and great Russia, which are active in economic activities, as neighboring countries and develop friendly relations.
Our main task is to assist in building and developing a business from China to Russia.

We are professionals

It?s not easy to navigate in the living and changing legislation of the Russian Federation, however, our team tracks all changes in the regulatory framework for business, and any changes in the laws are not a surprise for our Clients.
We effectively adapt client documents and business processes in accordance with all the requirements of the laws, which allows our Client?s business to be flexible and ready for any checks.


Protecting the interests of our Clients extends not only to bookkeeping and other documentary support. We provide protection, in case of a pre-trial claim settlement and in court with irreproachable observance of confidentiality of data and trade secrets. Scaling up the tasks of our Clients and an integrated approach to solving them, help to reach new heights in business development with high growth indicators annually.

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