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Start-up business in Russia

Business begins with an idea, but right after the idea should be followed by its completed implementation. You cannot just rent a room, put furniture, office equipment and start doing business.

How can you help my business

Necessary to design a business in the appropriate form. We provide a full cycle of registration services:

  • Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
  • Joint-stock companies (AO)
  • Non-profit organizations (NPO)
  • Individual Entrepreneurs (PI)
  • Branches and representative offices of foreign companies in Russia.

Initiation of business registration is not a difficult process. It is much more important not to miss the details when filing registration documents, so as not to receive an unreasonable refusal of registration from the state body.

What form of enterprise to choose

We not only know how quickly you can register a business from scratch, but also provide advice at the first stage on choosing the most effective form of company registration, taking into account the planned type of activity, the convenience of the tax regime and the distribution of responsibility between business participants.

And if the business grows...

Business growth should be inevitable, as the advent of a new day, and we are ready for the growth of our Clients' business. For us, the intensity of the company's growth does not matter, we are ready to accompany our Clients both with increasing employees and opening new branches in any part of Russia.

And if the business changes its direction

Over time, any business can change its original objectives and goals. To do this, we are ready at any time to register changes in the company. For example, you can:

  • To promptly re-register a joint-stock company as an LLC (limited liability company).
  • Change the membership of the company.
  • Open new activity codes for enterprises and individual entrepreneurs in case new business lines start.

Our team is ready to solve any regular and emergency tasks that confront a business, taking full responsibility for the quality of services provided.

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